
At Quinta da Vineadouro, we take care of the present with a focus on the future, through the adoption of small gestures that contribute to a more sustainable tomorrow.

Environmental practices:
• Biodiversity: respect for biodiversity and preservation of the genius locci; organic garden for self-consumption; preservation of natural habitats and fauna.
• Water management: efficient water consumption and reduction of tap flow; system for using rainwater and wastewater.
• Energy management: energy consumption (LEDs and class A+++ appliances; integrated air conditioning system (geothermal) and solar thermal; photovoltaic system for self-consumption; environmentally friendly transport and use of electric vehicles and electric battery charging station.
• Waste management: composting plant to transform organic waste and produce fertilizer; ecopoint and packaging collection; paper free (electronic invoice sent by email).
Social practices and community involvement:
• Contribute to employment in the region and avoid desertification,
• Resume rituals and traditions,
• Preserve and promote local history and culture,
• Social solidarity (support local IPSS),
• Contribute to “slow tourism”.

Economic practices and development of the region:
• Working with local producers,
• Creation of tourist programs in the surroundings of the estate,
• Develop local crafts and typical gastronomy of the region.
